Monday, March 2, 2020

New Sidebar Link: New Discourses

 It brings me great pleasure to add New Discourses to the sidebar, a product of the merry pranksters Peter Boghossian, James Lindsay, and Helen Pluckrose. Particularly, I wanted to mention their social justice encyclopedia section, with an excellent definition of "good white":
...Social Justice Theory is particularly harsh on “white progressives” (that is, good whites), who it insists are the most complicit in causing and perpetuating racism. In plain language, this supports the hypothesis that the more woke one gets, the more intensely one will be criticized by the woke. This makes it very difficult to avoid concluding that critical whiteness studies done by white people are hardly more than the masochistic projections of the theorists engaging in it (and reveals a particularly sadistic component to the same when done by people of color).
 There simply isn't enough of this sort of thing in the world, and it needs praise at every turn.

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